The configuration should be:

So, we configured the HDFS port — let's configure how many replicas we need. We are on a laptop, so we want only one replica for our data:

The above hdfs-site.xml is the site for replica configuration. Below is the configuration it should have (hint: 1):

Enable SSHD

Hadoop connects to nodes with SSH, so let's enable it on our Mac laptop:

You should be able to SSH with no pass:

If you can't do that, then do this:

Hadoop Download For Mac

5. Start HDFS

Next, we start and format HDFS on our laptop:

6. Create Folders on HDFS

Hadoop Mac Os X

Next, we create a sample input folder on HDFS on our laptop:

Upload Test Data to HDFS

Download Hadoop For Mac Os X

Now that we have HDFS up and running on our laptop, let's upload some files:

7. Run Hadoop Job

So, we have HDFS with files on our laptop — now, let's run a job on it:

8. Get Back and Print Results

Mac Hadoop Install

And that's it. We managed to have a local Hadoop installation with HDFS for tests and run a test job! That is so cool!

big data,tutorial,hadoop,hdfs

Download Hadoop 2.7.3 For Mac

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